Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simon's Story

This past week or so has been pretty good. I think I’m finally learning to rest in God and take each day as it comes. It doesn’t matter what situation I am in- as God told Paul, His ‘grace is sufficient’. I also trust that He does indeed have something more in store for us here. Adam and I agreed that even if nothing monumental were to happen here, we have been totally blessed by some incredible people that we’ve met here. We have also heard some incredible testimonies. I’d like to share one of them…


The pastor’s son-in-law at Radiant church, where we are attending here, met Simon at work at Technopark. Simon came to Radiant last week and shared his testimony.

WARNING- I want to share the graphic detail of his accident, as he described it to us, because I think it is powerful, but be warned that it is not easy to handle.

Simon became a Christian a few years ago and followed the Lord mostly half heartedly at first. One morning, on his way to work, he had a feeling that he should look into getting some insurance in the event that he had an accident on his motorcycle. He made a mental note to do so and got on his motorcycle and drove out of his driveway. He was unaware of the enormous gravel truck barreling toward him. In a split second, he was hit by the truck, run over by the back tire, and dragged for several hundred meters underneath it. The truck driver knew he had hit someone but because of its full load, he was unable to stop quickly.

When the driver finally stopped, Simon looked down and saw that the entire front of his lower body was ripped open. He could see all of his internal organs and his own spine. His genitals were completely ripped off of his body. His legs and feet were totally crushed. At no point in this was he ever unconscious- he experienced the entire incident completely. As he lay in agony and terror on the road side, he begged for someone to take him to the hospital. Out of the hundreds of people that had gathered to look, no one would. This is often the case in India; if you take someone to the hospital in your car and they die on the way, you are left to deal with the body, so no one wants to get involved. Finally, he called his employer on some bystander’s phone and someone was sent to come and get him.

He was taken to the medical college in town, where he was told that he would most likely lose at least one of his legs. He feared this greatly and prayed that it wouldn’t happen. After many hours of surgery, he came out with both of his legs, but they remained badly crushed and he still had many open wounds. Over the course of the next few months at the medical college, the flesh in his legs began to putrefy. He described how the stench from it overwhelmed him. Infections began to set in, and the many flies in the hospital began to transmit his infection to other patients with open wounds in the room that they shared, so they moved him to an isolated place.

It took many, many months of healing and numerous surgeries to save his legs and close the wounds. He also suffered from urinary tract infections constantly and had to be catheterized for two years, which he found unbearable. Finally, the last surgery placed pins in his leg, and he eventually found healed and was able to return to work.

A few weeks after he returned to work, the man driving him had a head on collision with another car. Simon, sitting in the passenger seat, felt pain in his leg and looked down to see his femur sticking out of the leg that had just healed. Again, he went to surgery and went through months of healing. He was scheduled for one last surgery to fix a portion that was not healed. He was at the point where he just could not take another surgery and cried out to God. A few days later, he went in to have the pre-operation x-ray. After the x-ray was taken, Simon heard a commotion from the doctor in the back. The doctor came out and said that he was canceling the surgery because the break had been miraculously healed!

Simon is now completely healed but walks with a sever limp due to the rod in his right leg. Because both legs were saved, he has been able to continue playing drums, which is the main passion in his life. He also loves dogs and has several breeds of large dogs, including a Golden Retriever, a Rottweiler, and a bull dog. He is amazed that Christ took him through all that he did, and he has been able to share his testimony with many people.

I don’t know about you, but this story sure puts things in perspective for me!! My life is pretty blessed!!

Have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

michelle said...

thank you Barbie for putting the mild back pain in perspective!