Saturday, April 24, 2010

Janice and Mohan

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) I have never experienced this well-known verse more than I have over the past two weeks. My attitude toward all of the challenges that we face here has taken a complete 180 degree turn. I finally feel able to take each day as it comes and accept whatever it is that God has for me, whether it is staying in the apartment all day or getting out. Adam and I were even talking last night about how we could live here if we had to. Its not that that is what I want, but I could do it, whereas even two week prior I would never have considered it. I can’t point to any epiphany that lead to the change; I have prayed the same prayers since I got here about God changing my heart. I sincerely believe that God allowed to me experience such depths that the turnaround would give Him even more glory, because there is nothing that I’ve done that can explain this sudden change. I think He wanted me to experienced the sorrow deeply enough that I could live in the joy more fully. Its been a difficult but amazing journey, and I thank God for His goodness in knowing what each of us needs.

God has provided for us in many surprising ways this past week and a half. Last week, a client from America visited Adam’s work and had brought his 14 year old daughter along on this trip to India. Usually, there is someone at Adam’s work who would have taken her around sightseeing, but it was a holiday (yes, another holiday), so most people were gone. They then asked Adam if I would mind taking here around. The girls and I were more than willing to do it, so we had a lovely day of shopping and having lunch at a resort with this girl. It was really fun for the girls to hang out with this girl, especially because she was British born and had just moved to America two years ago. Hailey is fascinated with Great Britian and really wants to visit there.

This past week was one of the best weeks we’ve had here. We had heard for some time from folks at church that there was a Canadian lady and her Indian husband who lived near to us. They are Christians, and she is homeschooling two young boys from our apartment complex. Back when I was in a lousy state of mind, I didn’t feel like reaching out to them. They put on a summer leadership camp (its summer break for kids here), and Hailey agreed to go so I signed her up and left it at that. Over the next several weeks, several other people, including non-Christians from Adam’s work, told us about this couple and said that we should meet. The guilt of being disobedient to what God obviously wanted finally got to me, so I reached out to the wife, Janice, and we went over to their house on Saturday. They are an awesome couple doing some great things for the Kingdom. Janice, while of Canadian heritage, was brought up in another part of India, where her parents were missionaries and had a children’s home. She is much more culturally Indian than she is Canadian.

Mohan, Janice’s husband, has a crazy story as well. He comes from a family who has been Brahmans (the high priestly class of Hindus) for many, many generations. He began schooling to be a Brahman at the age of four. Very shortly into his studies, he began to questions what the Hindu priests where teaching him; things like how their religion originally believed that there was one God, and then later they believed there were many Gods. He kept questioning them about the many contradictions he was seeing. Once you meet Mohan, you can just imagine these priests tearing their hair out at this rebellious kid! Rebellious continued to be the watchword for young life. His family had enough of his, and he eventually left home in his teen years and went to a big city and became part of a gang that sold drugs, exams answers for the major school, you name it. He eventually went to a university there and met a guy there that introduced him to Christ. And not just any guy- a guy who went around dressed as Sherlock Holmes…. This guy was apparently very fond of Sherlock Holmes, but it was his way of coping with his shyness and helping to share the gospel by getting people’s attention. Who would have though! Anyway, Mohan found Christ and became a passionate follower. He and Janice have recently adopted a baby girl named Sara, who is just adorable.

Janice and Mohan held their camp for Hailey’s age group this past week, and it was such a blessing to us all. For the first time, Hailey interacted on a very personal level with many Indian kids her age and learned some really great lessons through the camps activities. The most important lesson that she learned, which she shared with us, was that she now feels comfortable about socializing with Indian kids because she realized that they have the same issues as every kid no matter where you are from. She was also able to handle it when the kids would slip into speaking Malayalam. The cool thing about the camp is that because it’s a leadership camp, kids from many important families in town go there, including many Hindu kids. Janice and Mohan share each day some aspect of the Gospel in camp. On the last day, Mohan even shared his story of being a Hindu and challenging their beliefs and finding truth in the bible. It could see the impact on one girl in particular, so I will be praying for her.

On a final note, prayers for peace for our driver Rinish and his family would be appreciated. His father died three weeks ago, and his uncle just died last week. Its been rough on his family, especially his mother whose brother it was that died. Another prayer request is for a wife for him. Even among Christian families, marriages are still often arranged, and it is the role of the father to find a bride. Rinish has been anxious to get married since we first arrived here, and since his father died, it makes it that much harder for him to find a wife.
Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and e-mails!! We love you.

P.S. This is a shout out to Carie Lopez in Chicago- I am so glad that God has used me and Margaret to encourage you! God bless!


michelle said...

Amazing to think where God is bringing you, where He has brought you, and what you are becoming over there. I am encouraged realizing there just isn't anything I can do, but it is HIM who brings us deeper into Him! Michell

Erin said...

Wow, so good to hear. I pray God continues to grow you guys. Can't believe it's been about 4 months! =)