Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quiet week

After the events of last week, this week was quite anticlimactic…

As I mentioned last week, Lana invited me to her house for a bible study. The girls and I went to her home that following Monday. We were completely blown away by the opulence of her amazing home! It was probably one of the largest residences we’ve seen here, and the surrounding grounds were equally as impressive. Land is so expensive here that you don’t see properties with a lot of land. Hers was almost two-tiered, with a swimming pool on the lower tier. The whole place was situated on a hill above the beach, so the ocean breezes wafted up, keeping us cool.

We settled in by the pool so the girls could swim, and we started discussing the bible. She was interested in the relationship between Elijah and Elisha because the idea of a master training his devotee fascinated her because this is a Hindus practice- where the swamis train a younger person. She had no real idea of what the Old Testament contained, so I tried to explain the history and layout a bit, and how it relates to the New Testament. I don’t think the relationship between Elijah and Elisha was described enough for her, so I directed the study more toward Jesus and the New Testament. We read a bit from various books and just chatted.

It has been a week since I’ve talked to her, and at first I was kind of bummed. Eventually, I realized that it wasn’t so much whether I convert her or not- that was for God to work out- but it was about whether or not I’d be obedient and go. Quite frankly, I was dreading the visit beforehand. I’ve found that the more I dread that type of visit, the more blessed I will be for having done it. I think it’s the enemy’s way of attacking too, by putting a million reasons in your head why you shouldn’t go. My stomach was bothering me as we drove the 40 minutes in totally unfamiliar streets, in totally unfamiliar parts of town, but I was determined that even if I was on my deathbed, I’d still go because that was what I was supposed to do. The million dollar question is- would I do that at home? Would I go to some person’s house that I barely know, in some unfamiliar part of town? Would I walk across my own street to do a bible study with neighbors? Adam mentioned how when he is asked to speak in front of churches here, he jumps at the chance, but in the US, he never would. I hope we can take the lessons that we learn here back with us.

We miss our friends and everyone at The Pursuit! Thanks so much for all of the prayers on our behalf!

1 comment:

Laura Thulesen said...

Wow, good questions, Barbie. Its funny to me how much people seem to try to dissuade missionaries from going to the field, saying that they have such an effective ministry in the States. Seems like if you aren't reaching out at home, you aren't going to suddenly reach out somewhere else. Praise God for His giving you opportunities to stretch you guys and minister in new ways and yes, Lord-willing you'll continue to do the same when you go back.